Tuesday, 2 October 2012


Ok, I am going to do this one in two parts. First will be the mousse, as it is easier to make. The lemon butter is a bit tricky (in other words, I have to make it again to remember how I did it the first time!).

I believe in sweets. Sweets are what makes life worth living when your a single woman with no time for sweet lovin' action with the lads. Sweets finish the day. They get you ready for a night alone with True Blood.

Um, oh shit, yeah, enough about my sad night life.

So to the recipe for the creamy lemon mousse pud. This recipe is raw, vegan, gluten free and sugar free. It can be made with honey (not vegan) or maple syrup if you prefer.

I just invented -

Crazy Lemon Mousse


To make 1 generous serve or two wimpy ones that will leave you crying for more.....

1 cup of cashews soaked overnight in water.
1/2 squeezed lemon and its zest (add more lemon juice at the end if you like it)
1 1/2 teaspoons of natural sweetener of choice
Water, about 1/4 of a cup to start and then add in table spoons if you need more.
1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger


Chuck all the ingredients in a whizzer of your choice (vitamizer, cafe express, food processor)
Whizz until smooth, add more water and lemon juice and sweetener as needed. Should be a mousse like consistency. The cashews get very smooth. To serve, top with a tablespoon of lemon butter, a sprinkle of powdered ginger and a slice of lemon. If you don't have lemon butter mix some sugar free jam with lemon juice. NOM! 

Using whizzed cashews is so cool. You could make choccie mousse or a berry one, vanilla or even use it as a base for kick arse vegan savoury dips. And it is good for you, well, as long as you don't have anaphylactic reactions to nuts. But hell yeah! This shit is good for you and nearly anyone can eat it. Even kids will gobble this stuff up. I love giving it to my 'I hate nuts' daughter!

Triple YUM BUMS for this one.


  1. I gotta try this cashew cream stuff. I keep reading about it but haven't bought any yet.

  2. It is so awesome. I love it! You can add anything to it and know it will be yummy!


I heart comments. Especially if you have either tried my inventions or have invented things yourself!